GonnaOrder Help Center

Manage Discount Vouchers

GonnaOrder allows you to create and manage discount vouchers for your store. Discount vouchers are useful when you want to promote your business to customers. You can have single-use vouchers that expire once they have been used a single time or when the voucher balance is depleted and you can also have multiple-use vouchers that can be used repeatedly.

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How Can You Use Discount Vouchers?

Why do you need discount vouchers for your store? First, you can still set up price discounts on offers in your store even without using discount vouchers. However, some scenarios warrant the need for discount vouchers.

Giving out a refund

Assume a customer buys from your store for the first time. Or, say, a customer places a high-value order, and you want to encourage them to keep buying from your store. In that case, you may want to give back part of the money they paid to your store. But giving back cash is not a very good idea.

That is where single-use discount vouchers come in. You can give a single-use discount voucher they can use the next time they visit your store to enjoy a monetary or percentage discount on the order value. This way, the customer will have a reason to come back to enjoy the discount. In return, the customer may get hooked to your offer, guaranteeing future business.

For promotion or advertising

This applies to multiple-use discount vouchers. They are useful when you want to promote your store. For example, you may use multiple use discount voucher codes in your social media posts to attract more orders. Other than social media, you can also publish your multiple-use discount voucher codes in the public media to win new markets or reach more people.
You can also give multiple-use discount vouchers to individual customers to encourage them to place more orders in your store during a specified period.

As a gift card / Loyalty card

A discount voucher can as well be used as a gift card to a customer or a loyalty card for returning customers. A gift card is usually used once, while a loyalty card can be used several times. The type of discount you associate with the voucher will determine what it becomes. You can learn more from the section on possible discount types and how they work.

Create a Discount Voucher

A discount voucher can be an excellent way of giving back to your customers. Instead of giving back cash after a purchase, you can award a discount voucher through your promotions which customers can then use while submitting a new order.

Voucher discounts are part of every GonnaOrder store’s settings. Therefore, you can easily create and manage your vouchers from the settings menu.

To create a new voucher, choose Settings> Discount Vouchers and then click on the Add New Discount Voucher button to bring up the voucher details page.

Create a New Discount Voucher
Add new discount voucher

The voucher details page will require you to fill in some fields. The information collected on this page will be useful for the execution and control of your discounts. We will explain what you should fill in each field.

Set voucher details
details page of a discount voucher
  • Voucher Code: This is the code that customers will use to claim a discount. It should be unique in your store and you can use a combination of letters, numbers, and other characters. We recommend that you create codes that are easy to remember and if possible ones that users can decode easily.
  • Type: GonnaOrder defines two types of discount vouchers. There are single-use vouchers that can only be used once or until the voucher balance is depleted and Multiple Use vouchers that can be used repeatedly until they expire. Single-use vouchers expire the moment they are applied to an order or after value depletion while multiple-use vouchers are usually controlled by the Availability Restrictions setting discussed below.
  • Discount: GonnaOrder allows you to associate a discount voucher with one of two discount types. You can choose to have a monetary discount where the voucher is worth a fixed amount of money or choose to offer a percentage discount. The percentage discount is calculated from the total order value it applies to. See possible discount types and how they work for a better understanding of what discounts are available.
  • Value: This refers to either the percentage or monetary value associated with the discount code.
  • Minimum order amount: This is a control mechanism that allows you to extend discounts to order values above a set minimum. It encourages guests to order more to enjoy the discount. A value of zero means that all orders are eligible for the discount.
  • Active: This refers to the status of the discount voucher. When set to yes, customers can redeem their vouchers at the checkout page. You can set the status to no when you are no longer offering discounts. The discount voucher will be inactive by default if you do not toggle this button to yes.
  • Availability restrictions: The restrictions setting allows you to specify the period through which customers can use your discount voucher codes. You will need to specify the start date represented by the From field and the discount end date in the To date field. Customers cannot use voucher codes after the discount end date.

Once you are sure you have the right information and, more importantly, the correct discount value for your voucher, hit the save button so the voucher is saved in the store.

You may not yet see the discount voucher field on your store if you previewed your store at this moment. To ensure that customers can see the discount field and redeem their vouchers, you need to toggle the Voucher question to yes. This setting enables the discount voucher code field on the customer interface, and they can now use your voucher code to get discounts.

Enable Voucher Question
Activating the discount voucher question

The Discount Voucher List

The details of your discount vouchers will appear as a list on the Discount Vouchers tab under settings. The list gives you an overview of all discount vouchers you have not deleted and their statuses. Here are the details of each discount voucher on this list.

The Discount Voucher List
The list of store vouchers
  • Voucher Code: This corresponds to the code you chose while creating the Discount voucher. You can copy any code from the discount voucher list for your promotions or for an on-premises customer order.
  • Type: Either single use or multiple use as explained in the previous section.
  • Value: Either the percentage value or monetary value to be deducted from a customer’s order as a discount. Stands for the current discount value balance for single-use monetary discount vouchers.
  • Initial Value: This is the initial value allocated to a single-use monetary discount voucher. Does not apply to multiple-use vouchers or percentile discount vouchers.
  • Minimum order amount: order value above which the discount applies.
  • Active: Status of the discount voucher. It can be yes or no.
  • Consumed: Availability of the discount voucher code to customers. Shows whether the voucher code has been used (for single-use vouchers) or whether the voucher has expired.
  • Available Restrictions: This shows the period during which the voucher code can be applied to an order.

Available Discount Types and How They Work

GonnaOrder has two primary discount types: Monetary discounts and percentage discounts. These are further associated with discount voucher types which can either be single-use or multiple-use vouchers. Both the voucher and discount types affect how discounts work in GonnaOrder. We will discuss four possible combinations of vouchers.

Monetary, Single-use Discount Vouchers

Monetary discounts deduct a fixed value from a customer’s total order amount. They can have any value you can imagine or as high a value as you deem fit.

A Single Use, Monetary Discount Voucher
An unused single-use monetary discount voucher

Single-use monetary discounts can be used for as long as a discount balance is associated with them. That means a customer does not have to deplete the discount amount with a single purchase. Instead, GonnaOrder will deduct the order value from the discount voucher until the value is zero. Therefore, if a customer had a single-use monetary discount voucher worth $50, but they placed an order for items worth $30, then the value of the discount voucher would be reduced to $20 after the purchase.


You can use a monetary, single-use discount voucher as a loyalty card where a customer pays for their card in advance and then uses the voucher code to place orders. This can apply to returning and corporate customers.

Using a Monetary, Single-Use Discount Voucher
Applying a monetary, single use discount voucher
A Monetary, Single-Use Discount Voucher Used for a $30 Order
Discount value decreases after use

They can later use the same discount voucher to order more items, and the voucher will only be marked as consumed (not available) after the balance is depleted. The key point here is that a monetary, single-use discount voucher’s value decreases with each order on which it is used. This type of voucher is a good example of how you may use discount vouchers as loyalty cards.

Applying a Monetary, Single-Use Discount Voucher a Second Time
Applying a monetary, single use discount voucher a second time

After the second order, the discount voucher value will be zero and the voucher cannot be applied again. It will be marked Consumed.

A Consumed Monetary, Single-Use Discount Voucher
A depleted monetary, single use discount vouchers

Monetary, Multiple-use Discount Vouchers

With a monetary, multiple-use discount voucher, a customer will enjoy the discount on every purchase until you deactivate the voucher or until the voucher’s expiry date is reached.
Therefore, if you had a $5 – multiple use discount voucher, customers would enjoy a $5 discount on every order they place in your store.

Percentage, Single-use Discounts

GonnaOrder allows you to configure discounts of up to 70% on the order value. Starting from 5%, the discounts increase by a 5% step until they reach the 40% discount mark. From there, the interval of the step changes to 10% and the next possible percentage discounts are 50%, 60%, or 70%. These are applied to the total value of items in your order. In addition, waiving all prices and fees from an order using the 100% discount voucher is possible. Therefore, customers with a 100% discount voucher can order offers of any value and pick them up, have them served to a table, or have them delivered to their address without paying anything.
You should exercise caution when creating and distributing 100% discount vouchers.

Single-use, percentage discount vouchers can only be used by a single customer and for a single order. Customers cannot use single-use, percentage discount vouchers repeatedly. This makes this kind of voucher card more useful for refunds and gifts than customer loyalty retention or advertising.

A Percentage, Single-Use Discount Voucher
Percentage, single-use discount vouchers

Percentage, Multiple-use Discounts

Unlike single-use percentage discount vouchers, these can be used by several customers and for more than one order. These are the type of discounts you can use for promotions and which you can communicate through a newsletter or reminder email. The use of this type of discount voucher can only be restricted when you deactivate the voucher or when the expiry of its validity period is reached.

How Discount Vouchers Work in Combination With Delivery Settings

Delivery orders are somewhat different from table and pickup orders in that they have minimum order value limits and that they may be subject to delivery fees. GonnaOrder takes care of both the minimum order value and the delivery fees in the following ways:

  • Customers with a 100% discount voucher code will not be charged for delivery fees. They will have their order delivered without making any payments.
  • Except for the 100% discount vouchers, all other percentage discounts are applied to the order value, excluding the delivery fee. The delivery fee is added back after applying the discount.
  • Monetary discounts are applied after adding the delivery fee. The delivery fee can be partially or fully deducted from the monetary discount if the order value is less than the discount amount. This applies to both single-use and multiple-use monetary discounts.

Restrict Discount Eligibility With Minimum Order Amounts

The Minimum order amount setting allows you to set the order amounts above which the order is eligible for a discount. When set, it ensures that a certain discount is not applied indiscriminately to all orders. Instead, it specifies the minimum order value to which the discount applies. This can help you attract higher average order values.

Set a Minimum Order Requirement To Restrict Discount Eligibility

Customers will be notified of the minimum order value requirement if they attempt to apply a restricted discount to an order with a value below the specified minimum. The discount will not be applied to the given order unless the user adds more items to meet the criteria.

Order Does Not Meet the Discount Requirement. Discount Not Applied.
Discount voucher applied to an order that does not meet specified minimum order value requirement
Order Meets Discount Requirement. Discount Applied.
The order meets the minimum order value requirement and the discount is applied.

Update a Discount Voucher

There are various reasons why you might need to update your discount voucher. First, a voucher has the Active field that specifies if the voucher is active or not. You may choose to change the status of a voucher in your store at any time.

Also, you may choose to extend the duration through which customers can redeem the voucher for a discount. However, the voucher code, type, value, and minimum order amount fields cannot be edited once a discount voucher is created.

To update a voucher, go to the Discount voucher tab in your store settings and choose the voucher you want to update from the list of vouchers available. This should bring up the voucher details page.

Pick the Discount Voucher to Update
Choosing a discount voucher to edit

For this example case, we have extended the period through which the voucher code can be used. It is also possible to turn the active status to no.

Updating Discount Voucher Details
Editing a discount voucher

Download and Print Discount Voucher Flyers

Discount vouchers are meant to be shared with your customers either in person when they visit your store or via the communication channels that your business uses. For either of these use cases, you may download discount voucher flyers from your store when needed.

To download and print a discount voucher flyer, go to Settings >Discount vouchers and pick the appropriate voucher.

Select a Discount Voucher
Select a discount voucher and click to open

On the discount voucher details page, GonnaOrder automatically generates a discount voucher flyer showing the discount code and the value of the discount. You can download the flyer by clicking on the image or the download link below it.


  1. Discount voucher flyers are designed to be printed on a DL99mm paper
  2. The flyer is only available for vouchers whose status is set to Active. Also, you may not view or download flyers for vouchers that have expired i.e. the availability restriction dates are in the past. You may need to update the status and availability of your discount voucher in order to view and download the flyer.
  3. Similar to discount voucher flyers, you can also download and print a store flyer under the share & preview section in your store.
Download Discount Voucher Flyer
Download discount voucher
Viewing a Discount Voucher Flyer
Discount voucher flyer

In addition to the discount voucher code, the flyer also carries important information about your store. It has your store logo, a store QR code, and links to your Facebook, Instagram, and your store website.

View of Vouchers on the Customer Interface

When you have created and activated one or more vouchers for your store, customers will be presented with a field where they can fill in their voucher codes to enjoy a discount.
In the example case, we created a voucher code that gives a customer a 10% discount on the total order value.

Applying a Valid Voucher Code
Redeeming a voucher code at checkout

On the above screen, the customer has entered a valid store voucher code which has in turn been accepted by GonnaOrder and the discount awarded.

If, in any case, a customer entered an invalid voucher code that is not registered in your store or a voucher that has already been consumed, then they would be notified and they would hence not enjoy any discount.

Applying an Invalid Voucher Code
 Invalid voucher code applied

View of Vouchers on the Orders Dashboard

Orders submitted with a discount voucher will display the discount voucher code and the calculated discount value in the order details. You can view the details of an order through the orders’ dashboard.

How Discount Voucher Applied to an Order Is Shown
 Invalid voucher code applied

Delete a Discount Voucher

When you no longer need a voucher in your store, you can delete it to create a new one or eliminate confusion. Deleting a discount voucher is very straightforward.

Visit the store dashboard and choose Discount Vouchers under settings – see images in the previous sections.
Choose the Discount voucher you would like to delete and click on it to bring up its details page.

Pick a Discount Voucher To Delete
Choose a discount voucher to delete

On the voucher details page, click on the Delete button to remove the selected voucher. Note that this action is irreversible, and you will need to create the voucher again if you hit the delete button by mistake. Further, unless you have too many discount vouchers in your store, we recommend deactivating them if you don’t really need to delete them.

A Voucher Will Disappear as Soon as You Click the Delete Button
Deleting a discount voucher