How a Pub in Birmingham Has Transformed its Ordering Experience with Table Ordering

For decades, locals and tourists have flocked to the Red Lion Pub in West Bromwich, Birmingham, UK, thanks to its hearty meals, a welcoming atmosphere, and lively conversation. However, like many businesses in the hospitality sector, the Red Lion faced its fair share of challenges, especially when it came to collecting and managing orders.

While Red Lion Pub stands as a beacon of tradition and community, the challenges around ordering processes limited it from achieving its full potential and serving all customers better. The wake of Brexit and the ongoing evolution of consumer preferences made it even more challenging for the pub to find adequate staff and adapt to evolving customer needs. In this article, we explore how the Red Lion revolutionized the ordering experience, enhancing ordering accessibility and flexibility with GonnaOrder’s table ordering solution.

Challenges Faced by the Red Lion Pub

Before implementing GonnaOrder’s table ordering solution, the Red Lion pub encountered some key challenges associated with ordering. These challenges affected its overall performance and service delivery.

With only a few staff available to handle and serve customers, the pub found itself grappling with longer wait times, decreased efficiency, and a strain on customer satisfaction. This issue was further exacerbated by the uncertainties surrounding the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union. The move made it more difficult for the Red Lion Pub to find adequate staff to serve customers.

Secondly, the hospitality industry is constantly evolving. Keeping up with the changing consumer preferences has been a key challenge for the Red Lion pub. Some customers prefer to order independently themselves via their phone, while others prefer to order at the waiter. Adapting to the customer preferences and requirements can be tricky, and the Red Lion was no exception to such challenge.

Our two biggest challenges have been the ever-changing nature of our game (hospitality industry) and staff shortage during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Even worse, staffing could become much harder due to Brexit.

bar-lineSatnam – Manager – Red Lion Pub

Table Ordering: The Ultimate Solution for the Red Lion Pub

Recognizing the need for a solution that could streamline operations, improve customer experience, and provide flexibility to meet changing demands, the Red Lion turned to GonnaOrder’s table ordering solution. This decision proved to be a game-changer for the pub, revolutionizing its ordering process and revitalizing its operations.

GonnaOrder’s table ordering system provided the Red Lion pub with a versatile solution tailored to its specific needs. The new system enabled the customers to start ordering directly from their phones by scanning the table QR codes to view menu and order. This minimized waiting times since customers no longer had to wait for attendants to collect their orders.

GonnaOrder is easy to use, provides good value, and offers exceptional support and the much-needed flexibility in terms of payment options.

bar-lineSatnam, Manager, the Red Lion Pub.

What’s more, the new table ordering system catered to diverse customer preferences. For instance, it allowed customers to browse the menu, place orders, and choose their preferred payment option. This flexibility has allowed the pub to effectively accommodate the needs of different customers, including tech-savvy and aged customers, enhancing satisfaction. Also, this system gave customers the option to order, which, according to Satnam, the manager of Red Lion, will shape the future of the ordering experience.

The Results

Since implementing GonnaOrder’s table ordering system, the Red Lion has witnessed significant transformation in its operations. The pub has experienced increased accessibility and convenience when it comes to ordering. Therefore, the pub has been able to cater to diverse customer needs, enhancing their overall experience.

Proud of the outcomes, here what the Red Lion Pub’s manager has to say about how GonnaOrder’s table ordering solution has helped his customers :

A few days ago, we had three ladies with special needs (deaf) who came to the pub and seamlessly ordered and paid for their drinks with minimal interaction with our staff. The accessibility of the system was simply amazing.

bar-lineSatnam, Manager, the Red Lion Pub.

Learn More About the Red Lion

Interested in exploring the Red Lion Pub? Visit the website to learn more about this easy-going and family-friendly pub in West Bromwich. Also, follow the Red Lion pub on Facebook and check their reviews on Trip Advisor.


The partnership between the Red Lion and GonnaOrder exemplifies the power of innovation in addressing challenges and driving success in the hospitality industry. Through a blend of cutting-edge table-ordering solutions and tailored support, GonnaOrder has helped revolutionize the ordering experience at the Red Lion. This combination has future-proofed the pub by providing a flexible solution that accommodates the evolving needs of diverse customers in the hospitality sector.

GonnaOrder offers a wide range of advanced solutions to help hospitality businesses like the Red Lion stay ahead of the curve. By resolving ordering issues and inefficiencies, GonnaOrder helps usher in a new era of operational excellence and innovation. So, why wait? Register your business with GonnaOrder today and explore various solutions you should consider to transform your operations.